You start with sugar. Three cups. Plus a cup of Karo, also know as liquid sugar. And water. You know, just so it's not ALL sugar. Boil that all up to about 290 degrees, stirring well.
Next, you will take the pot off the stove, continuing to stir, and add food coloring of your choice. You want to make the different batches and flavors different colors so you can identify your favorite! Then, after the mixture has cooled a bit, add the flavoring. I repeat, ADD THE FLAVORING. (Sometimes we forget, and have a sugar-flavored batch!) This would be Lorann Candy Oil, in a 1 dram (tiny) bottle. Stir stir stir. Then pour over a sheet pan with edges with a THICK layer of powdered sugar covering the pan.
Sprinkle the top with powdered sugar, and then as soon as you can stand to touch it, start cutting up. Candy should be pliable, and hot enough that you can just barely stand to touch it. Bite-sized pieces! Best to do this over a vinyl tablecloth. Powdered sugar gets everywhere!
Do not put into a bowl until pieces are cooled completely, or they will stick together into big clumps. After multiple batches, mix them all together and put in small glass jars to give as gifts. Do not be surprised if people return the jars wanting a refill!
I didn't know refills were an option!!! Woo hoo!!! I'll bring my jar over for more, Ms. Jenny!