Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Penang in Chapel Hill

What a nice surprise! After a spur of the moment trip to Southern Season in Chapel Hill Sunday afternoon, James and I cruised down Franklin Street on the motorcycle and randomly chose somewhere to eat. Penang (one of our favorite Asian dishes) was the name of the restaurant that jumped out at us. We were NOT disappointed! The penang curry was maybe the best I've ever had--and the coconut rice our waiter recommended was on point. James's response was "Of course the penang is good at Penang. It would be like eating a great cheeseburger at a restaurant called Cheesburger!"

If you are ever in Chapel Hill and hungry, check them out... Penang, 431 W. Franklin Street, www.penangnc.com.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Raving Over The Produce Box

What can be easier than fresh fruits and vegetables delivered to your doorstep?!? After hearing about The Produce Box from several people, James signed us up. For a mere $22 a week, we get juicy peaches, beautiful tomatoes, shiny eggplant, scuppernong grapes (didn't last 24 hours!) and other yummy produce. It's given me a chance to be creative with cooking dinner, reduce my trips to the grocery store, eat healthier and feel good about supporting local agriculture.

I know the summer is winding down, but it's not too late to sign up. The Produce Box is going to deliver through mid-September, take two weeks off and then deliver again October through December.

The News and Observer highlighted two local CSA (community-supported agriculture) groups this weekend, including The Produce Box.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Summer Whites

Labor Day, Smaybor Day. I say drink white wine whenever you want. Of course, I do lean toward a nicely chilled white more often in the summer than the winter, but that's a personal choice. Most recently, Whitehaven Savignon Blanc from New Zealand has caught my attention. I found it at a wine tasting at the Cardinal Club, and it's whipped me into a frenzy! Crisp, bright and a not-so-subtle note of grapefruit makes it a fun and exciting summertime wine.

Food, Wine, and Other Good Stuff

I've never been a stranger to good food--or good wine, for that matter! Cooking it, eating it, looking for it, finding it... And best of all, I'll share my findings! So if you, too, like good food and good wine, follow along and I'll take you places.